Photo credit Sofia Petelina
I have been doing a lot of outdoor activity, even more than ever lately.
Recently I have been trying to explore, or have been given the opportunity to explore some areas around the place I grew up, weekes Saskatchewan.
I have many friends and family that have reconnected lately, some new ones also.
I could speak about the ones I choose not to associate with, by why even go there.
I think All of the friends and family I’ve been reconnecting with have been put there for a reason, for us to reconnect and enjoy the perfect view.
The perfect view, heaven on earth, Gods country, whatever we wish to call it.
So when times are tough, pick your head up no matter how heavy it may seem, get your camera, or just get out there and enjoy what you might consider the perfect view.
It’s amazing how Mother Nature can keep us all on the positive happy path, not in our minds on the negative one
Everyone enjoy the perfect view today Eh?!