Announcing the release of “Black Wolf” title track from the forthcoming full length solo album by Sheldon Tyacke, Canadian Outlaw Country artist.
Black Wolf
Official blog for Sheldon Tyacke Canadian Outlaw Country Artist. Sheldon writes about hunting, camping, fishing, outdoor living, tattoos, music and travels. He loves George Jones country music, and sometimes does a little Sasquatch hunting in the wilderness around his hometown Weekes, Saskatchewan near Saskatoon, Canada. Drop a line, eh? #needmyjones #outlawcountry
Announcing the release of “Black Wolf” title track from the forthcoming full length solo album by Sheldon Tyacke, Canadian Outlaw Country artist.
Black Wolf
Photo credit Sofia Petelina
I have been doing a lot of outdoor activity, even more than ever lately.
Recently I have been trying to explore, or have been given the opportunity to explore some areas around the place I grew up, weekes Saskatchewan.
I have many friends and family that have reconnected lately, some new ones also.
I could speak about the ones I choose not to associate with, by why even go there.
I think All of the friends and family I’ve been reconnecting with have been put there for a reason, for us to reconnect and enjoy the perfect view.
The perfect view, heaven on earth, Gods country, whatever we wish to call it.
So when times are tough, pick your head up no matter how heavy it may seem, get your camera, or just get out there and enjoy what you might consider the perfect view.
It’s amazing how Mother Nature can keep us all on the positive happy path, not in our minds on the negative one
Everyone enjoy the perfect view today Eh?!
ANNOUNCING the new single “REDNECK EX-MEN” by Sheldon Tyacke Canadian Outlaw Country artist.
Tell us your redneck story!
If you’re like Sheldon and come from a small town, you probably have a few funny stories about yourself or your redneck friends and kin.
In honor of Sheldon’s new single release “Redneck Ex-Men” on Friday, May 12, post your funniest, most outrageous redneck story here and be sure to follow Sheldon on your favorite music service – Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, Pandora, YouTube, etc.
Let’s hear your redneck story!
I remember rocking out to this song when I was a teenager, cruising in my car and banging my head to Skid Row, and the parties we had and the good times back then. It seemed like it was so cool to be bad.
But this song also has other values for me, as I have dealt with the consequences of what alcohol can bring, Broken homes, broken bones, near death, depression, anger, over night jail time, and the list goes on and on.
I also have a son that has spent sometime behind bars for his consequences with drugs and alcohol, and the last three years I haven’t been able to see him much because of it. It sucks and it’s sad, but I have a higher power and that is GOD that helps me keep it real in life now.
18 and Life is what can happen if you turn to the dark side in Life. We all do bad shit in life but some of us get caught, and eventually we all suffer the consequences, whether it’s jail for real, or jail in our minds.
It blows my mind to think that I’m announcing the release the song “18 and Life” today.
I look back a long time ago rocking out to this song by one of my favorite Canadian artists, Sebastian Bach of the band Skid Row. Never thought I’d be releasing the song as a country artist all these years later.
Goes to show, you just never know what can happen in life and music.
You can preorder the single here, and thanks in advance.
- the Canadian Country Outlaw, Sheldon Tyacke
Sheldon’s Nashville guitar tattoo
Q: What made you want to get your first tattoo?
A: I like art, and especially the art of tattoos.
For me they define what a person is. Some people just have random sleeves, or whatever. That’s not me.
All my tattoos, except maybe for a few drunken ones, have meaning.
I’ve actually been patted on the shoulder from a couple tattoo artists, letting me know that they appreciate my outlook on tattoos.
They said that they like that I do a little bit of research into what tattoos I want on my body, the meaning and such, before I get one.
I got my first tattoo because I thought it was cool, and because hot chicks like tattoos.
Q: What was your first tattoo?
A: My first tattoo was a silhouette of a wolf howling at the moon. I got it at a place called the Shamballa in Edmonton, Alberta.
I remember when we were writing the song “Tattoos and Guitars,” my cowriter Amanda was asking me to tell the story about my tattoo art. In true Amanda fashion, right off the bat, she was trying to get at the story.
You’ll notice that we put a few of the images, including “Shamballa” into the song “Tattoos and Guitars.”
Q: What would be your advice to somebody who is thinking about getting their first tattoo?
A: I would say put some thought into the tattoo. Don’t just get a random piece of art on your arm. Especially if you’re drinking, and you’re going to regret it the next day.
If you’re going to put some ink in you, put some thought into it and get something that is meaningful to you or to your life.
Q: Does it hurt to get a tattoo?
A: Hell yeah. But some spots are not as painful as others.
The most painful spot I have gotten a tattoo is my sternum, solar plexus area – where it’s a really bony area.
It’s like the old westerns when I should have been biting on a stick when they were taking the bullet out, that kind of thing.
And the rib cage kind of sucks, too.
Q: What else should I know about getting tattoos?
A: I always remember to check what the tattoo artist is using. If he’s using brand new, sterilized needles.
If it looks sketchy, don’t do it. Go somewhere else.
Cleanliness, and the professionalism of the tattoo artist is something you should really check out.
Q: Do you regret any of your tattoos?
A: Not at all.
Q: Do you ever find yourself in conversations with strangers about tattoos?
A: All the time. Whether it be at the supermarket, or traveling the world.
I always have people asking me about different tattoos.
For instance, the one with the guitar gets commented on a lot. People always comment on the detail of it.
Of course there’s the ones I can’t show everybody because I’d have to take my pants off. (laughs)
Here’s an original song by Sheldon Tyacke Canadian Outlaw Country artist called “Tattoos and Guitars”
“The only thing I let get near my heart - tattoos and guitars”